What is a Military Diva?

Welcome to the Military Diva page! This blog was created to highlight the amazing adventures our Sisters in Arms experience and the support we give each other in life, love, family and career. Whether you are in the Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy or Coast Guard, you will find something here that relates to you. So sit back, grab a glass wine (or two) and enjoy.

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the term, “Military Diva”? Do you think of a bougie “Barbie Doll” in uniform who cannot do anything by herself? Or do you see someone who pushes thru every obstacle to achieve her goals? A Soldier who fights to break the stereotype that women are not fit for the Military?

According to Webster/Merriam’s Dictionary, a Diva is defined as, “a glamorous and successful female performer or personality; a successful woman who is very attractive and fashionable.” In Latin, the word for god is ‘deus’, which describes someone deified after death. The Italian feminine noun of deus is diva, which translates as “Goddess” or female deity. Now put the word ‘Military’ in front of that and what do you have? A Goddess who serves the Armed Forces of our Country.

 I would like to think of a Military Diva as a Soldier who isn’t afraid to embrace her femininity but still willing to get down and complete her mission with no issue. You see, society has always perceived women as ‘weak or unfit’ to do some of the toughest jobs in the Military alone. But we as one percenters are held above the rest. We aren’t afraid to get our hands dirty or our hair messed up when it comes to working our tasks. We have no problem changing oil in a deuce and a half or breaking down a M249 (light machine gun), but then turnaround on the same day and wear a formal dress and a pair of stilettos.

I have never liked how the perception of one person can sometimes be the reality. The fact is that people’s mindset has to change. Although we are Soldiers (or Marines, or Airmen, or Shipmates), we as women cannot forget who we are….feminine creatures. The term is not to be used as a title to obtain approval from others. It is to be seen as a distinction of an outstanding woman who serves her Country proudly while in uniform but also embraces every aspect of herself as a Woman. Don’t force yourself to prove to others that you are one of the boys. We are not here to separate ourselves from our Brothers in Arms, we are here to celebrate our femininity as we illustrate our “badassness”.

Be yourself…be the Soldier you are meant to be…be the Woman you are meant to be.

“There is nothing wrong in loving you as a Woman and serving alongside your peers in uniform.”