Happy New Year Family! We made it! We have finally arrived at 2023! 2022 has been an interesting year, but Baby! 2023 is going to be AH-MAZING! As I sat down and reflected on how I want to start my year off, I decided that the theme for this year will be: I choose ME. For so long I (and many others), have taken steps in making sure our *Soldiers (insert Military personnel here), our families, and our community was taken care of, but at the expense of our own mental/emotional, physical, and sometimes financial health. We have always put ourselves on the back burner, given way to the idea that we are this “Super Woman” that has to save everyone all the time. Well, that ends TODAY. Today, we choose ourselves. Today, we choose to be transparent in who we are and allow ourselves to be vulnerable in knowing that its ok if we can’t save everyone. Today, we choose not to let other people’s drama affect our own healing journey. It took a while for me to understand this, but 2022 showed me that in order for me to evolve, I will have to take a step back and redirect my energy into myself. I realized that it was ok to say ‘No’ and that setting boundaries is needed in order for me to stop myself from spreading thin.  I choose to secure my own peace and happiness and I want you to do the same. Divas, lets start this year off right together. Lets create a space where we can REST, RESET, RECHARGE, and RECOLLECT ourselves so we can REENGAGE with the world. It is time we choose OURSELVES.