About the Founder

Monica L. Boyd

What can I say about myself? I am a fabulous, fun-loving Army Veteran who loves serving her Country and her fellow Brothers and Sisters. I enjoy life and its many quirks and hangups. However, throughout my years in service, I noticed a troubling trend focused on women across all branches; there tends to be a huge misconception that women can’t “cut it” when it comes to serving their Country in uniform. It bothered me to see ladies (and sometimes myself) change their attitude and even their outer appearance to show that they are “a part of the pack”. What made matters worse was the unnecessary harsh judgement I witnessed when women weren’t adhering to the “Standard” the military forced upon us.

Due to this current climate, I was inspired to create The Military Diva. This blog is designed to showcase the amazing experiences and life lessons women in uniform are exposed to. This platform will highlight the joys and pain of balancing family, career, and our own self-image. It is my desire to use this blog to uplift and encourage all of my Sisters-in-Arms, as well as those women who support us behind the scenes. Women have the right to walk away feeling proud of their military journey as well as their service to this Country without having to think that they will lose themselves in the process.

“No woman should feel like she has to sacrifice her identity whenever she puts on her uniform.”