Our Military Diva Of the Week is Cathay Williams, the first and only known female Buffalo Soldier, and the only documented African American woman to serve in the Regular Army in the 19th century during a time when enlisting women to serve was prohibited.

Born into slavery in 1844, Cathay Williams grew up to work as a house servant on a plantation near Jefferson City, Missouri. In 1861, Union for…ces occupied Jefferson city in the beginning of the American Civil War and Williams was “encouraged” to serve the 8th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment.

After seeing some of the uniformed Negro Regiments there, Cathay Williams was inspired to enlist in the Army after the war ended. On November 15, 1866, she enlisted in the Army as a Man. Williams reversed her name ‘William Cathay’ and worked for 3 years as a male Soldier, being assigned to Company A of the 38th U.S. Infantry, one of six infantry and two cavalry regiments of Black Soldiers deployed in the post-Civil War Indian campaigns. Unfortunately, after being hospitalized several times, Williams was found out and discharged on October 14, 1868. Although Cathay Williams was discharged, the United States Army recognized her 3 year enlightenment and annotated her service in government records. Let’s celebrate this Military Diva for showing us that you don’t have to be a certain gender or color to serve your Country. #hooah #williamcathay #cathaywilliams #1stfemalebuffalosoldier #buffalosoldier #infantry#Honoringthosewhoserved #armystrong #armyfresh #militarydiva See More